Layout: In web page, there are some portion is different for specific URL which is called content and rest of the content of a page will remain same. Such as header, footer, sidebar will be same but content part is different. So we can create separate partial file for header, footer, sidebar, menu, banner and finally we need to create template page suppose layout which include other partial page.
Create a folder in resources/view/theme/front and create following files as follows
§ Layout : file name is main.gsp which content will be html main tag with including other partial page
§ Header : file name is header.gsp and content will be header related content or partial more pages such as menu, banner etc
· Menu: file name is menu.gsp and content top link.
· Banner: file name is banner.gsp and content is banner image with bootstrap carousel.
§ Sidebar: file name is sidebar.gsp and content is sidebar related link and content.
§ Footer: file name is footer.gsp and content is footer menu or copyright content.