Phpmyadmin does not support large files to import in mysql database. So use of command line is the best way to export or import large files in mysql database. Here are the steps to export and import a file in mysql using command line.
To import and/or export a MySQL or MariaDB database, you will need Access to a Windows/Linux server running MySQL or MariaDB
In Windows:
In Linux:
If MySQL or MariaDB database exist and server is accessible than you can export or import database.
Run following command to export database
mysqldump -u root -p abc > abc.sql
We can export an existing dump file into MySQL or MariaDB in existing empty database or new database. If you want to create new database, login log in to the database as root or another user with sufficient privileges
mysql -u root -p
To create new database named xyzdb, run following command
Now run the import
mysql -u root -p xyzdb < E:\abcdb.sql
If the command runs successfully, it won’t produce any output. If any errors occur during the process, mysql will print them to the terminal instead.