Step by step Oracle Apex 20.2 installation on Windows and Unix/Linux systems.
The steps of Oracle Apex 20.2 installation is almost same as Step by step Oracle Apex 20.1 installation on Windows and Unix/Linux systems. except step: Run Image Script. In Oracle Apex 20.2 installation, we don't need to install image script.
Here are the step by step instructions to install Oracle Apex 20.2 on Windows and Unix/Linux systems.
Step 1 Download Apex
To download Oracle Application Express release 20.2, go to following link:
Step 2. Unzip in desired location
After downloading, unzip in your desired directory where you want to install. For example, in windows, your directory path could be like F:\oracle\apex20_1\apex.
On Unix/Linux your directory path could be like /home/oracle/apex20_2
Step 3. Open Terminal or CMD
Open the command prompt (CMD) on Windows or Terminal on Unix/Linux and changed the directory to the apex20_2 directory as follows:
On Windows:
cd F:\oracle\apex20_2
On Unix/Linux:
cd /home/oracle/apex20_2
Step 4. Connect database
Connect database using SQL*PLUS with SYS user credentials after going apex20_2 directory.
Step 5. Select PDB Database
Select one PDB database where you want to install Apex 20.2. Suppose PDB database name is pdbapex20.
alter session set container=pdbapex20;
So now, pdbapex20 is selected to install Apex 20.2.
Step 6. Run apex installation Script
At first, we need to run apexins.sql passing the following four arguments in the order shown:
@apexins.sql tablespace_apex tablespace_files tablespace_temp images
where tablespace_apex is SYSAUX, tablespace_files is tablespace_temp is tablespace_temp and images folder is images
run this command:
@apexins.sql SYSAUX SYSAUX TEMP /images/
Step 7. Set Admin Password
Now run the change password script for the ADMIN user as following and the password must follow the complexity rules, for example, I provided the password as Apex#2020.
Step 8. Unlock the APEX_PUBLIC_USER
Unlock the APEX_PUBLIC_USER account and specify the password. Don’t forget to connect to Oracle using SQL*PLUS if disconnected and make sure you are connected with PDB.
To change the password for the APEX_PUBLIC_USER account:
Step 9. Run Configure Apex RESTful Service Script
This will ask you to give APEX_LISTENER and APEX_PUBLIC_USER password to set which will be used later for the ORDS setup.
Step 10. Set the HTTP port
if using HTTP server, execute the following command:
Now the installation of Oracle Apex 20.2 has been completed, and you test the installation by entering the following URL in the browser: http://localhost:8181/apex/apex_admin
Your playground is ready.
Play and Enjoy.